Saturday, January 29, 2011

23 Jan 2011-Hang out to shot my photography assignment

This is the car rental's's very cute!XD friend wanna bully it...shhhhh....please don't tell's very cute even had bullied by my friend.

f 9 1/160sec ISO 400
I tried to capture an interesting seems like fail for this two of pictures. Seems like have no a main concept and focus point...but i will keep to put more effort for this part. ^^

f 13 1/160sec ISO 200
Inside the car. Way back to UNIMAS (University Malaysia Sarawak). It was a sunny day...very hot. Each of us bought a bottle of 100 plus from Boulevard. Hope it will help to get more cool for us on that day.
ps : But this was sharing with my friend-kym.
Do you notice there were two straws? XD

f 13 1/80sec ISO 200
Another depth of field was taken at the Boulevard car park .

f 20 1/30sec ISO 200
Nature "Canvas"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Storyboard_Motion Graphic

This is the Canon storyboard for motion graphic class.Using the black and white concept.

Monday, January 24, 2011


f 7.1 1/60sec ISO 100
I took the range of motorbikes photo where it park in front of the sarawak plaza. The side by side motorbikes create an illusion of pattern.

f 9 1/60sec ISO 100
The pattern of gates where place at the backstreet of Jalan Pandungan. The parasitic grass created an interesting position.


F 5.6 1/40sec ISO 100

The first photo make more dramatic than the second photo. When I took this first picture, I used the viewfinder to take this position. At that time, my DSLR almost lay on the floor and I am just guessing the angle which it might be taken.

F10 1/80sec ISO 200


F10 1/60sec ISO 100

f 13 1/60sec ISO 100

Vintage photograph is a unique and old style picture. I would like to create an illusion on our eyes. The texture and color of this wall might create the classic feel of photograph.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


F 4.5 1/40sec ISO 100

Capture the metal which get rusty near the drain.The bubble of rusty and some rubbish remains get all of the metal surface.